No Rest …



All set for the weekend?

I’m a writer.  I usually work on Saturdays and Sundays. But I do take time off. If I want my creative well so stay full and work properly, relaxing and getting away from the job are must-do’s.

Which is why I have scheduled several weekend play dates–one with my husband and one with a girlfriend.

Don’t forget to do the same.

Until next time, and have a rollicking fun weekend,


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Behind Every Successful Woman…


Remember this when you need a pick-me-up. Sure, females face gender gaps, biases against women (sometimes perpetuated by ourselves!), and a whole host of challenges.

This happens even among those who should know better. Recently, I was at a medical facility, where there are lots of talented female physicians (my daughter is one of them). And yet, I heard both a doctor and a nurse refer to a physician they didn’t know as “he”.

“Dr. xxx is a woman,” I gently corrected.

They took it in stride. But I shook my head and wondered when these longtime biases will change. I have no idea, but sooner or later, that change will occur.

In the meantime, don’t let the naysayers get you down. With a positive attitude, hard work, grit and support from our brothers and sisters everywhere, we can soar.

Think about it.

Until next time,


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Come and Get It!

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My January release is out now! Available in your favorite brick and mortar or online bookstore, or at



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New (Actually Old) Recipe

tea cake

Mrs. Lawrence’s Scrumptious English Tea Cake

Around Christmas, I was listening to NPR’s Found Recipes program. Love that series! The story I heard intrigued me so much that I headed for the website to download the recipe for Mrs. Lawrence’s English Tea Cake.

I’ll be honest here. As I made it, I had my doubts. Could this unusual recipe possibly be as tasty as the woman in the story claimed it was?

As soon as it was ready, I tested it on my husband and sampled some myself. The unanimous conclusion: delicious!

This cake takes a little time–it contains yeast and needs to rise twice–but otherwise, it’s easy to put together, and well worth the time and effort.

Note: I tinkered with the instructions a bit to make them more clear. Also, italicized notes and information in the parentheses are mine.

Mrs. Lawrence’s English Tea Cake

For the Cake

1/3 cup melted butter, cooled
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon grated orange peel
1 egg, at room temperature
1 yeast cake, or 1 package of dry yeast
1/2 cup water, at 110 to 115 degrees
1/2 cup warm milk
1/2 cup golden raisins
3 tablespoons citron (I had to look up citron: a citron is a large, fragrant citrus fruit known for its aromatic smell and flavorful peel. I also had to ask someone at the grocery store to help me find the stuff-comes in a container and I doubt it ever goes bad.)
3 cups bread flour (I used all-purpose flour and had no problems)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon nutmeg

For the filling
Note: Double this!!
1/4 pound butter (1 stick), very soft
1 cup powdered sugar
A dash of vanilla

Stir softened butter, powdered sugar and vanilla together until it reaches a spreading consistency. (I waited to make this until the cake was cooling, but you can make any time.) Set aside.

Making the cake:
(Note: You’ll need several bowls or containers for all the mixing and setting aside.)

Following directions on the package, dissolve yeast pack in warm water. Let sit 3 to 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix warm milk, raisins and citron  together. Set aside.

Sift together flour, salt and nutmeg. Set aside.

Mix melted butter, sugar, orange peel and egg together in a large  bowl. Make sure the butter has cooled so as not to cook the egg. Set aside.

Now it’s time to mix these things together! Add yeast mixture to sugar-butter mixture and stir to blend. Stir in flour mixture, a little at a time, until all is added.  (No kneading required at this point.) Let dough rise until doubled in bulk, about 1-2 hours.

Knead the dough with additional flour (up to 1/2 cup) for about 10 minutes. Dough will be very elastic and light. Divide in half and form two balls. Press dough into two 8-inch round pans and let rise again for 1 to 2 hours. (I only had 9″-round cake pans, which were too big, but they worked well enough. The end result isn’t as pretty as it could have been, but I like how it looks! See photo above.)

Bake at 375 for 20 minutes. Cool thoroughly, split each cake in half (I used a large, serrated knife and some patience) and spread with filling mixture. Store in the fridge in a plastic bag to keep it fresh. Before serving, wrap loaves in foil and reheat at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Recipe courtesy of Mrs. Lawrence’s granddaughter, Laura

To hear the intriguing story that goes with this recipe, visit

Happy eating, and until next time,


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I Am Writer


One of my favorite things about creating stories to share with you is the magic that seemingly springs out of the blue.

So I’m writing away, working from a synopsis, which is like a road map that tells me where I should go in order to reach that optimistic ending that is the payoff for all the suffering I put my characters through. Oh, yeah, I so enjoy making them suffer. :- )

As I labor to bring the story in my head to life on the page, suddenly the plot takes a turn I never planned for. Always an enjoyable surprise. Or the characters take charge and speak or act in totally unexpected and unanticipated ways. I love when this happens! Mind you, I don’t let them veer off on tangents too far removed from their story. Otherwise, you readers tend get frustrated–and so do I.

But when I trust them enough to give them free rein, amazing things happen. For that, I am beyond grateful.

I love my job, and it’s time I got back to it and let the magic unfold.

Wishing you magic, and until next time,


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Don’t Forget Your Common Sense


The experts say to follow your heart. I agree… As long as common sense play some part.

In my experience, relying only on my rational brain and ignoring what my heart wants takes me in the wrong direction. So does following my heart without some degree of mental processing. Not too much mental stuff, though, or I just might talk myself out of what really is best for my happiness and well-being.

A combination of both usually leads me down the right path.

How do I know how much of each to listen to? For that, I rely on instinct, aka that good old gut feeling. Does whatever I’m considering feel “right” in my gut, or do I feel queasy, tense or ill-at-ease? I don’t always pay enough attention to those gut feelings, and when I ignore them, I often end up in trouble.

Food for thought, for sure.

Until next time,


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Fun Contest!


I’m participating in a super cool contest. You can win 29 books by 29 authors!!!! Go to for a chance to win all these #books!

Until next time,


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Resoultions, Anyone?


Do you have resolutions for the new year? I used to… Now I make them whenever I feel the need.

I read somewhere that only 8% of people who make those resolutions follow through and stick to them. I’m not sure if that’s correct. Maybe the number is even lower.

If you’re interested in being part of the 8%, here are 10 tips from WikiHow (I have abbreviated them):

1. Realize that Is Just another day…
2. Pinpoint your most realistic resolutions…
3. Write them down…
4. Focus on one change at a time…
5. Use positive language…
6. Make change gradual…
7. Get support…
8. Review your progress…
9. Build on your resolutions…
10. Celebrate!…

For more info, visit .

Until next time,


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Happy New Year!


May 2015 be filled with joy and success, however you define it.

See you next year! (I’ve always loved saying that. 🙂 )

Until next time,


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Think About This

7 things

As we move at warp speed toward a new year, think about these things. You don’t need them! In fact, they are your worst enemies.

Imagine what your life would be if you stopped trying to please others over yourself. Pushed through those self-doubts and did it anyway. Replaced negative thoughts with positive ones. Embraced the possibility of failure as a learning tool rather than a source of fear. Praised yourself instead of criticized. Said “no” when you didn’t want to do something asked of you. Acted now instead of procrastinating until the last minute.

If there’s a map for reaching your highest potential, this list is a good place to start. It my seem daunting, so start with one or two.

I’m pulling for you!

Until next time,


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