Hump Day Wednesday: Release Time!

front cover

The first book in my Prosperity, Montana, miniseries is now available!
Here’s the back cover blurb:

There is no room in day-care owner Lana Carpenter’s Life for casual things. After all, her dream of adopting a baby is closer to becoming a reality now than ever. So why is she still mooning over the sexy cowboy who makes her forget everything but the strong, sure feel of his arms around her?

It wasn’t supposed to be more than one unforgettable night between consenting strangers. But when Sly Pettit spots Lana’s photo in the local paper, he grabs at the chance to see her again. The guarded rancher is falling hard for Lana, but it can only end in heartbreak. Unless Sly can trust her with the secrets that keep him from believing that, just maybe, they could have a future together.

“The wonderful characters are a delight to get to know and make this story a joy to read.”
RT Book Reviews

“This is an excellent read! Will keep it in my collection to read again.”
Ginny Rodenberg, reader

To order, stop at your favorite brick and mortar store or shop at or any online bookstore.

Until Friday and Happy Reading,



Hump Day Wednesday: Revisions, Revisions


Some people hate revising their writing, but I appreciate the chance to make my work stronger. So when I received a revision letter from my editor the other day, naturally I jumped at the chance to make changes.

Well…. not exactly. First, I moaned and groaned. Then I procrastinated for a day or two. But the clock is ticking and I need to get the job done. So I pulled up my Big Girl panties, sat down at my desktop and got down to business.

And guess what? The revisions are coming along and definitely making this a better book. I’m grateful for the opportunity to make those changes before you sit down to read it. Thanks, Adrienne!

Until Friday, and wishing you a fabulous day,


Hump Day Wednesday: Home!

theres no place like home (with home)

I’m home from a lovely vacation. And so happy to be here, sitting in my office  in my own house. The flights were a breeze–on time and smooth. I even got some work done. Even better, here in Seattle, the weather is warm and sunny. What a perfect welcome back.

I’m a little tired, though, as we had to get up at 4 am (ugh!) to catch an early-morning flight. After a good night’s sleep, I’m sure I’ll be good as new, ready to work hard. For now, though, I’m signing off.

Until Friday, and wishing you joy,


Hump Day Wednesday: Grow that Creative Muscle!

sunset siesta key

Happy Wednesday!

I am on vacation on Siesta Key, which is in Sarasota, FL. What a fine place to vacation, and what spectacular sunsets!  Almost every evening, I head to the beach (about 500 yards from the front door) to join with others in enjoying the amazing sunset. Depending on weather–clouds or clear–the view always changes, and is always something special.

This year, I’m lucky enough to see a full moon along with the sunset. I rate that as applause-filled, standing ovation entertainment. Wish I could capture the sunset and the moonrise at the same time, because that is unforgettable. But I can’t, so just use your imagination. 🙂 That’s what it’s for, right?

Speaking of imagination… A few days ago, I had lunch with a friend. “I could never write a book,” she said. “I just don’t have the imagination.”

To which I replied, “If you never used your legs, the muscles would atrophy, right? I see the imagination as a ‘muscle’ in your brain. If you don’t use it, of course it won’t work very well. But once you start using it, it will grow and develop, until voila, you can call on it and use at will.”

And I mean that.

Until Friday, and wishing you a beautiful sunset–either right in front of your eyes and/or in your imagination,


Hump Day Wednesday: The Good Thing about Routines


Getting up at the same time every morning, doing what we do to get prepare for the day ahead –there is something comforting and productive about following a familiar routine. For me, my morning routine signals my brain that it soon will be time to get down to business. I firmly believe that this plays a huge part in achieving my daily goals. And yes, setting measurable goals for the day ahead is part of my routine.

Still, a break from the routine can be just as beneficial, a way to replenish the creative well (I talked about this last Wednesday) or solve a plot problem, or anything else that might be slowing down progress on a work-in-process. A break from the routine doesn’t have to be anything big. It can be as simple as stepping away from the computer to write longhand, pulling weeds from the garden, or cooking.

At the moment, my usual routine is serving me well, so I’ll save the break for another time.

To share your thoughts about this, click on leave a reply.

Until Friday, and wishing you a routine and productive day,


Hump Day Wednesday: Refilling the Well


Two Miró works

Yesterday, I took the afternoon off to visit the Miró exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum, which is about an thirty-minute drive south of my neighborhood. Miró’s art doesn’t exactly thrill me (I don’t get  his sculptures at all!), although I do like his humorous pieces and his use of bright colors.

Besides an afternoon out, the museum trip served another purpose: it helped refill my creative well. A change in my usual writing routine, even for an occasional few hours, always energizes me, and I come back excited and ready to work.

What do you do to refill your creative well?

To share your thoughts about this, click on leave a reply.

Until Friday, and wishing you a recharged creative well,


Hump Day Wednesday: How I Burned the Rice


It’s Wednesday and we’re halfway through the work week. Yay!

Although for me, the work week often extends to Saturday and an occasional Sunday. But I really don’t mind, because I love what I do. When I’m in the middle of writing a novel, I write every day to get the story on paper and maintain the momentum.

So how does writing relate to burning the rice? I’m glad you asked. 🙂  I happen to eat a fair amount of rice. Yesterday morning I put some on to cook. While it simmered, I headed into my office to work on my current book-in-progress. I told myself, “In 45 minutes, you need to turn off the rice. Don’t forget!”

You see, in the past, I have forgotten a few times–always a Very Bad thing. You should’ve seen the hard-boiled eggs that cooked so long, the water all boiled away. So sad.

Back to yesterday’s fiasco. You can guess what happened. Yep, I was so immersed in my story that I completely forgot about the rice. The instant that awful burnt smell wafted toward me, I raced into the kitchen, scolding myself for another memory lapse. Will I never learn? Ugh, what a stinky mess. I’m still soaking the poor pan.

Darn it–I know better!

Never again, I swear. From now on, if I dare to risk cooking anything while I write, I will set a timer to remind myself to check on it.

There, I’ve posted my pledge for all to see. To share your thoughts about this, click on leave a reply.

Until Friday, and wishing you a middle of the week doesn’t include burned rice,


Hump Day Wednesday: It Pays to Laugh!


Happy middle of the week! I thought I’d jump-start your day with a bit of humor… on myself. 🙂

I’ve been hard at work on a book. As always, when I’m immersed in a story, I tend to be distracted and a little absent-minded. (Make that a lot.) Yesterday afternoon I needed a break. We’re getting ready to paint our bedroom and I decided to stop at the paint store.

Traffic was pretty bad, but I had the radio on and my head in the clouds, thinking about my story, so I didn’t mind. (All the same, I managed to be a careful driver, I swear.) Now here comes the absent-minded part: Instead of heading for the paint store I wanted to visit, I drove to a different store. A store I really don’t like.

I didn’t realize my mistake until I saw the paint store sign.  What was I doing there? Shaking my head, I turned around and headed in the opposite direction. Back through more traffic, more red lights, to another part of town. Time spent going to the wrong place and getting to the right one: 35 minutes!

What a ridiculous waste of the afternoon! I certainly had good reason to get mad at myself. Instead, I shook my head and laughed. And I felt a heck of a lot better than I would have if I’d gone the other route.

Have you done something that caused you to laugh at yourself? If so, I would love to know about it. Click on leave a reply and  post here.

Until Friday,
