Motivational Monday: Nurture Your Inner Child

nurture your inner child

The world seems to move faster every day. And the news–dismal at best. When life seems to get me down, I know it’s time to let my inner child out and pay attention to what she wants.

Laughing, playing, living in the moment–this is what kids do well. No dream is too big, no imaginary scenario too weird. Giving my inner child the freedom she doesn’t get nearly enough of makes her joyous and in turn refreshes and invigorates me.

Next time you feel overwhelmed, step away from your problems and let out your child. Roll up your pant legs and wade through the water. Buy a bottle of bubbles and blow bubbles everywhere. Laugh uproariously at something silly. Forget about the past and the future and stay right where you are, in the moment by moment.

Try it–just for a little while. You won’t be sorry.

Until Wednesday and wishing your inner child a big ol’ belly laugh.


Hump Day Wednesday: Motto for Life


Front steps of Travelers Thali House

Recently, I ate at dinner at Travelers Thali House, an Seattle Indian food restaurant where the chef makes everything homemade, right there on the premises! Fresh and absolutely fabulous. Even if I hadn’t planned to stop in and eat here, the homey look of the place (a big old house, converted into a restaurant) and the message on the steps would’ve drawn me in. Cook with love, eat with passion–who could resist that? 🙂

This great motto applies not only to food, but to life! Cook up whatever you do in your life with love, and be passionate about it.

If that isn’t a recipe for success…

And look at the spices for sale! They fill  an entire wall of the restaurant.


Wall of spices for sale

So many spices to try. This, too, could be a metaphor for flavoring that passion with new fragrances and tastes.

I am fortunate that I found my life’s work as a writer, and that with a little help from the endless choice of spices, my passion for creating stories and sharing them with my lovely readers continues to grow.

Until Friday, feeling blessed and wishing you a life of passion and joy,
