Come and Get It!!!!

Available now!! Remastered and available from Kindle, Nook  and iBooks.

Another Life


Learning of her husband Stephen’s fatal heart attack is the worst thing Mary Beth Mason can imagine… Until she learns about the other family he left behind. Another wife, another daughter, another home…

For more information, click here:

My Sisters


In some families, there is pain and loss, but there is also the unbreakable bond of love. Sisters Margaret, Rose and Quincy Lansing were never a close or loving family. When receive the tragic news that a car accident has claimed the life of their mother, they must return to their childhood home. In unraveling their mother’s secrets, they find not only revelation, but also strength, hope, sisterhood, and a chance for love…


Entrepreneur Will Stoner was a competent executive, but when he became guardian to the son he’d never known about, Will did the only thing he could—he hired help. Dena Foster did a great job with his son. Her gentle ways took the trepidation out of parenting, and despite a bad marriage that made Will mistrust women, he warmed to Dena. Now he wanted more from this nurturing beauty—for himself.

First he had to erase the doubt he saw in Dena’s eyes about his feelings for her. Was being a successful businessman, caring father and loving husband too much to ask for?

For more information, click here:

Until Wednesday, and do check out that link,


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Cue the confetti and bring out the band!

I have exciting news!

I have just self-published two of my older books. These are my first self-published books ever–actually they are remastered from books first published in 2007 and 2008.  I am over the moon that I am able to share them with you now.

Another Life, first published in 2007


Learning of her husband Stephen’s fatal heart attack is the worst thing Mary Beth Mason can imagine… Until she learns about the other family he left behind. Another wife, another daughter, another home…

For more information, click here:

My Sisters, first published in 2008


In some families, there is pain and loss, but there is also the unbreakable bond of love. Sisters Margaret, Rose and Quincy Lansing were never a close or loving family. When receive the tragic news that a car accident has claimed the life of their mother, they must return to their childhood home. In unraveling their mother’s secrets, they find not only revelation, but also strength, hope, sisterhood, and a chance for love…

For more information, click here:

Until Monday, and thanks for your enthusiasm and excitement,


Visit me at my Facebook Author page
Follow me on Twitter @Ann_Roth
Stop by my website: